Pan Am Rebrand

Concept: The “Pitch!” is an initiative created for designers in ESPN’s Creative Services and Studio Direction to showcase their skill sets outside of everyday show production. As a collective we redesigned Pan Am, with a fresh, new look.

The new Pan Am airline is an affordable, carefree travel experience that is open to people from all walks of life. The branding is designed to be fun and approachable, and is meant to welcome people into the experience in a friendly way.  A paper-folding style is used throughout the branding to add a human, handmade feel to the look.

For the animation package, we wanted to highlight various places that our customers would want to travel. The bold colors invoke a more playful spirit with the paper folds, and iconic places are all too familiar to the childhood sense. We take you from the illustrious Tower of Pisa to a humble Denver log cabin, all the way to the Great Sphinx of Giza on a journey that dares you to explore.

Role: Concept and Motion Design (Tower of Pisa)
Art Directors: Kynna Randall and Jeremy Bond
Credits: Ash Perrin, Rachel Denhel, Erica Vittal, Alyson Cleaves, Xavier Snipe, Lisa Cuozzo, Solinda Keth, Amanda Wagner

Tools: Cinema 4D, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator